November 25, 2007


Now, I know thanksgiving was three days ago, but I didn't get a chance to post on Thursday. Actually, I had many chances. I just wasn't sure how to word everything, and I'm still unsure, but I know if I don't post this now, I never will.

First and foremost, I'm thankful for my family. More than anyone, my mommy, my brother, and my sister, have been there for me at any time of the day, literally. My mom and my sister will wake up at any point in the night and spend an hour trying to wake me up so I can get my work done, and they never give up no matter how many times I burst out screaming. My brother has been there to hear everything that goes on in my life -- all the trials and tribulations of school and other activities I partake in, the fights I'm having with my sister, the girls I think like me but really don't (and he knows they don't but will listen as if I have a shot anyway), my weird philosophical beliefs, and really, just anything.

Thank all of you, more than anything, for accommodating me in my conversion to veganism. It may have started off as a small endeavor in July, but my diet has really become an integral part of my life, and my mom and sister have had to make different foods, use different ingredients, and learn new recipes simply to make sure my stomach is just as full as it was when I was a regular vegetarian. It has probably been more difficult for you two to handle my changes than it has been for me to make them, and for actually putting up with it, I thank you.

There's so much more to thank them for, but this post would be infinitely long if I were to really discuss it all. Simply put, there are more than ten times a day I should say thank you to them, but sadly, of those 3650 times I should've said "thank you" to them, I'm only taking advantage of this one. Hopefully within the next year, I'll begin thanking them more often.

Of course, however, my family is not the only component of my life. There are my friends, my mentors, and my teachers:

  • Arpit - You've been there for me through thick and thin. You're really my family, but I had trouble deciding whether to put you in that paragraph or here as one of my best friends. 24 hours a day, I know I can come to you (well, maybe not 24 hours, but you're awake a lot of hours of the day, so really, during that time) and just ramble about the music I'm listening to or how badly my life is going at the time or how I want to change my life direction. When you're home, I want nothing but to see you. I really could care less whether I get another opportunity to kick your ass in tennis or whether we go out. As cheesy as this sounds, I really just like being with you. I've been blessed to have you as a cousin, and I'm really happy you never abandoned me as a cousin in the first ten years of my life.
  • Naomi - I get angry at you way too often, and as badly as I'd like to stop, our fights are really what strengthen our relationship. I'm glad we've stayed friends over the last five years, and the time I've spent procrastinating late nights by talking to you has shown to pay off. You have been, and still are, an amazing friend. For everything we've been through together, for all those times after school you've waited eight hours for me to get my shit from the locker room, for all those times you've sent me your homework when it was 4 in the morning and I was too freaking tired to do my own work, I thank you. You keep me sane because I always know there's someone a little bit weirder than I am (and really, take that as a compliment.) Don't ever change.
  • Greg, Matt and Eric - If it weren't for you guys, I would probably still be fat. I joined track and cross country because of you, and despite my hate of running, you've all kept me coming back to practice (sometimes, haha). You all may think I joined because of you and stayed for the perks (and I'm sure you know what I mean), but really, you have kept me going. You guys tolerate me when I start getting retarded in our little ping pong games, and I'm sorry you even have to do that. I just get impatient watching you guys play when I'm not lmfao. I don't know what my 3:00 - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday and my Friday nights would be like without you. Thanks for always being there.
  • Rohan and Vivek - I don't even know what to freaking say to you guys. Despite our minifeuds and whatever, you're my second and third brothers, and I know we'll remain that way for years to come. You guys will probably always kick my ass in basketball, baseball, football, and anything that has to do with balls, but I'll still play with you nonetheless. It's sad we don't hang out as much as we should, but when we do, it never feels like we've even been apart. I was extremely lucky to meet you two - to have you as my almost-next-door neighbor for three years Rohan and to have you be in my sixth grade class Vivek. I'm sorry I couldn't spend Thanksgiving with you two, but my thanks were there in spirit.
There are plenty more people to thank, and by no means should anyone be offended if I didn't mention them specifically here. Even if I don't shout you out, I can guarantee you that I am thankful for your presence in my life whether it is a negative one or a positive one, for I've learned great amounts from all of you.

Just because it isn't thanksgiving anymore doesn't mean we shouldn't be thankful for everything we have and all the people we know and meet in the future. The holiday just provides us with an incentive to say it (and yes, the holiday is more than football, turkey, and getting fat). Hope you all had great thanksgivings!


Natalie Li said...

i read the whole thing + i didn't skim

Arpit said...

That was cute. Two things before I go on, 1. you've never beat me in tennis and 2. you were fat and annoying for ten years of your life. Don't blame me.

Now that you've got rid of the fat part, I like what you're doing with this blog. Keep doing what you're doing..there's obviously no stopping you.

Anonymous said...

that was the sweetest thing ever and i don't know what to say other than i love you.

let's be friends forever =)

Sajeeb said...

actually, I had noticed how you donated a lot to 46664 and PETA; it made me happy to see that someone had actually donated to a facebook cause rather than just supporting one. so yeah, thanks for being a part of my inspiration (including mr. J and Pete Wentz)

devon said...

i love how you call your mom "mommy."
you're a good kid.
i should be studying for US but instead i'm reading random excerpts of your blog... hm. lemme know how your mtg with jehn went

Anonymous said...


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Ankit said...

i'm loving all these constructive, insightful comments.