So for those of you that don't go to Herricks, there's been a huge advertising campaign that I, along with the rest of the Student Gov't exec board (Ella, Devon, Neil, and Natalie), have been developing and putting on the morning announcements (BIG THANKS TO SAJEEB FOR PRODUCING THE VIDS). All these vids are in the form of a "Semiformal Dance Tip" (i.e. how to shave, how to dress semiformally, how to stay clean, etc.), and my favorite is the one on how NOT to ask a girl to the dance.
The night after that vid airs on the announcements, I get the following stream of messages from Greg:

BTW - First ever Homecoming Semiformal is on the 27th of September (the Saturday of Homecoming weekend). You've GOT to check it out. Nothing like any dance Herricks has ever seen. Tickets are on sale until Wednesday (17th) in the Senior Lounge every day after school. $10. Get yours.
Featuring (many of these for the first time):
- Professional DJ (aka no iPod)
- Sit-down, catered dinner (yes, it's gourmet-status shit. You're going to love it. Promise)
- Dessert, obviously
- Semiformal attire lmfao (guys - that means NO JEANS. girls - summer dresses and things similar)
- Dates (optional)
- Battle points for class with most attendees
- The announcement of Homecoming King and Queen
- A potentially new Herricks tradition (that is, if every single one of you comes)
- Ya boi, A-dog, tearing it up on the dance floor (that should really be reason enough)
Ank - I mean, A-dog.
Update (9/13/08):